978 research outputs found

    Islam dan Budaya Politik Melayu

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    This paper aims to examine the relationship between Islam and the Malay world which has been widely studied by experts and researchers. A special description of the contestation between Islam and Malay political culture as a form of open-minded society, to be able to see how Islamic and Malay political culture is in a simple way. This research departs from the questions: first, how is Islam in Malay history?; second, how is the dynamics of Islam and Malay political culture. In this paper, qualitative methods are used to clearly examine Islamic and Malay political culture. This paper also aims to show that Islam has an integral role in the history of civilization of the Malay world, besides that Islam also has strong credibility in relation to politics from various perspectives, not only from a religious point of view, but also from a scientific point of view. viewpoint. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach to look at how to find literature data and interpret the data contained in reference sources and various supporting sources about the contribution of Islamic thought in the Malay world. &nbsp

    Effect of welding parameters on mechanical properties of welded carbon steel

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    The main purpose of this project is to study effect of welding parameter on mechanical properties of welded carbon steel. Current problem is cracking happen on the bridge frame after a long time period being used and welding process need to be used to joint back the cracking. The objective of this study is to study the effect of welding parameter such as speed, current and voltage to the mechanical properties of carbon steel. Tensile test, microstructure view, hardness test and optical measurement view is used to define the mechanical properties for welded specimens and as received specimen. The welded specimen being compared with unwelded to study the change of metal before and after welded process. Metal Inert Gas (MIG) welding is used and the liner type was mild steel liner. The hardness study was conducted using a Vickers Hardness Tester MMT-X7 to analyze the conditions change at each region which are weldment zone, heat affected zone and base metal zone area. Low carbon steel show increased in hardness test especially on fusion zone following by heat affected zone due to heating process by the welding. There is a change on microstructure view where the base metal changing and create dendrite shape at weldment area and columnar at heat affected zone area. Optical measurement view test shown the depth of penetration affect the tensile test result. This project is significantly to show that different parameter setup will give different strength and must be the important considered by the welder


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    Penelitian yang berjudul “Penerapan Metode Simulasi untuk Menigkatkan Keaktifan Siswa pada Pembelajaran IPS Pokok Bahasan Kegiatan Ekonomi” ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fakta yang menyatakan rendahnya keaktifan siswa dalam pembelajaran IPS di kelas IV SDN 4 Cibogo Kecamata Lembang Kabupaten Bandung Barat yang berjumlah 36 siswa. Selama lima kali pengamatan terhadap pembelajaran IPS yang telah dilakukan terlihat hanya 3 orang siswa yang aktif bertanya dan menanggapi pertanyaan guru. Ketidak aktifan siswa tersebut disebabkan oleh banyak faktor, salah satunya adalah karena pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang monoton dengan penggunaan metode pembelajaran yang tidak bervariatif. Fakta tersebut dibuktikan dengan data awal yang menyebutkan bahwa dalam proses pembelajaran guru hanya menggunakan metode ceramah/ dikte saja sehingga siswa menjadi bosan dan tidak antusias mengikuti pembelajaran. Selain itu siswa juga sangat jarang diberi kesempatan untuk bertanya atau menanggapi pembelajaran. Berdasarkan fakta tersebut maka peneliti berupaya untuk meningkatkan keaktifan siswa dalam pembelajara IPS dengan penerapan metode simulasi dalam Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang dilaksanakan selama dua siklus. Adapun tindakan pada setiap siklusnya meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi sesuai dengan rancangan siklus PTK yang dikembangkan oleh kemmis dan tagart. Sedangkan instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi: (1) lembar observasi, (2) pedoman wawancara, (3) catatan lapangan, dan (4) Tes tertulis. Setelah dilakukan semua siklus dalam penelitian, diketahui bahwa telah terjadi peningkatan keaktifan siswa dalam pembelajaran yakni sebesar 22,22%, data tersebut diperoleh dari perbandingan keaktifan siswa dalam pembelajaran di siklus I yakni sebesar 55,56% dan meningkat di siklus II menjadi 77,78%. Peningkatan keaktifan siswa dalam pembelajaran tersebut mengiringi peningkatan kegiatan guru dalam pembelajaran yang sebelumnya 95% di siklus I menjadi 100% di siklus II. Selain itu, peningkatan tersebut juga diiringi dengan peningkatan nilai rara-rata kelas pada tes belajar yankni dengan perolehan rata-rata nilai kelas sebesar 76,67 di siklus I dan meningkat menjadi 81,94 di siklus II. Berdasarkan data hasil penelitian tersebut maka dapat disimpulkan bawa penerapan metode simulasi dapat meningkatkan keaktifan siswa pada pembelajaran IPS pokok bahasan kegiatan ekonomi di kelas IV SDN 4 Cibogo. Kata kunci: Metode simulasi, keaktifan siswa, peningkatan

    The Political Identity of Ethnicity in the Local Election of Makassar City 2018

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    The emergence of ethnic politics begins with the growth of awareness that identifies them as belonging to a particular ethnic group or group. This awareness then gave rise to group solidarity and a sense of nationality. In the context of local political dynamics in Makassar City, it is inevitable that there will be a struggle for ethnic identity politics in the struggle for the throne of power. This research method uses a qualitative-exploratory approach with a phenomenological approach, namely exploring the phenomenon of ethnic identity politics in the struggle for the throne of power in Makassar City. Data analysis using Nvivo 12 Pro qualitative research tools. The results of the study show the phenomenon of ethnic identity politics in the Makassar City Election as seen in ethnic political attacks on political communication [original Makassarese] and [immigrants] during the 2018 Makassar City Election. The victory of an empty city in the 2018 Makassar mayoral election has been described as a democratic victory. for the little people and the defeat of the local political elite. This can trigger the growth and widespread practice of ethnic identity politics in the upcoming Pilkada in Makassar City. The birth of resentment from local political elites, which is reflected in the attacks of identity politics through political communication [We are 100% Makassar, while he is 100% Gorontalo] will exacerbate political and social instability in the Makassar City area. Therefore, the maturity of the local elite is needed to create local political qualities. This political maturity will have an impact on improving the quality of politics and making local political battles more productive and healthy

    Decision Making Process dalam Kebijakan Israel (Studi Kasus Penolakan Israel Terhadap Resolusi DK PBB 2334)

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    AbstrakResolusi Dewan Keamanan (DK) Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) sebagai satu kesepakatan internasional yang dikeluarkan DK PBB memiliki kekuatan hukum mengikat (legal binding force) dan memaksa (imperatif). Hal ini berlaku bagi seluruh negara anggota PBB dan juga negara bukan anggota PBB sebagaimana termaktub dalam Pasal 25, Pasal 2 ayat (6), dan Pasal 49 Piagam PBB. Sanksi yang dapat diterapkan terhadap pelanggaran terhadap resolusi DK PBB ini dapat berupa sanksi militer maupun non-militer sebagaimana terdapat dalam Pasal 41 dan Pasal 42 Piagam PBB. Berkaitan dengan itu, terdapat penolakan terhadap Resolusi DK PBB Nomor 2334 Tahun 2016 oleh Israel sebagai bagian dari putusan yang dikeluarkan dalam resolusi. Tulisan ini mencoba menelaah kasus penolakan tersebut menggunakan teori Decision Making Process (DMP) dalam kaitannya dengan Rasionalitas Pengambilan Keputusan, Organisasi Pengambilan Keputusan, dan Faktor Individu Pengambil Keputusan. Melalui kacamata DMP, secara eksternal dapat dilihat bahwa penolakan tersebut memiliki rasionalitas yang tinggi berkaitan dengan kepentingan nasional Israel. Dengan superioritas dan dukungan Amerika Serikat (AS) serta sikap yang diambil oleh negara lain, tidak akan memberikan pengaruh apapun terhadap keputusan Israel ini. Secara internal, komposisi dan kedudukan pengampu kebijakan di Israel sendiri berwujud sebuah formasi yang sangat solid di bawah kepemimpinan Perdana Menteri (PM) Benjamin Netanyahu, hal ini memungkinkan lahirnya satu keputusan bulat sebagai satu kebijakan negara meskipun bertentangan dengan resolusi internasional.   AbstractThe United Nations (UN) Security Council Resolution (DK) as an international agreement issued by the UN Security Council has a legal binding force and is imperative. This applies to all member states of the United Nations and also non-member countries of the United Nations as set forth in Article 25, Article 2 paragraph (6), and Article 49 of the UN Charter. Sanctions that can be applied to violations of the UNSC resolution can be in the form of military or non-military sanctions as contained in Article 41 and Article 42 of the UN Charter. In this connection, there is a rejection of UN Security Council Resolution 2334 of 2016 by Israel as part of a decision issued in a resolution. This paper attempts to examine the case of rejection using the Decision Making Process (DMP) theory in relation to the Decision Making Rationality, Decision Making Organization, and Individual Decision Making Factors. Through the DMP lens, it can be seen externally that the refusal has high rationality in relation to Israel's national interests. With the superiority and support of the United States (US) and responses by other countries, it will not have any effect on Israel's decision. Internally, the composition and position of policy makers in Israel itself form a very solid formation under the leadership of Prime Minister (PM) Benjamin Netanyahu, this is what led to the emergence of a decision as a state policy even though it is contrary to international resolutions.Keywords: Decision Making Process, Policy, Israel, UNSC Resolution 233

    Teachers Promoting Mathematical Reasoning in Tasks

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    The phenomenon today in schools is that teachers rarely build student arguments but only accept students' answers. However, teacher activities that always make students 'arguments and support each solution and defend students' arguments without long debates are relevant and exciting to study. This study aims to explain and explore the promotion of mathematics teacher reasoning in tasks in the classroom. The author surveyed teachers who teach mathematics at the junior high level. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with an experimental research design, which begins with a survey of teachers who teach mathematics at the junior high school level in Maluku Province. First, the authors conducted initial observations for one month in several junior high schools in Maluku Province with the guide of the observation instrument for the promotion of teacher reasoning in learning. Second, the writer states that there are three groups of attractive teachers who can promote mathematical reasoning in each of their teachings based on indicators of teachers' mathematical reasoning. Third, the writer created the same math problems for the three teachers and observed how they built students' reasoning and evaluated their thinking efficiently. Finally, the results and surveys were carried out by triangulation with direct trials on seven classes at the junior high level. The results show how teacher actions promoting mathematical reasoning give generalizations or justifications. Teacher actions supporting precise rationale are discussed in more detail in this article.

    Memperbaiki Serapan Hara dengan Aplikasi Bahan Organik untuk Meningkatkan Resistensi Tanaman Cabai terhadap Virulensi Kutukebul

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    Keseimbangan hara memegang peran dalam mekanisme fisiologis. Ampas teh dan cangkang telur terbukti berpengaruh dalam menyediakan hara namun memiliki kemampuan yang berbeda, sehingga bisa terjadi sinergisme atau antagonisme antar senyawa yang dimilikinya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yakni membandingkan hasil aplikasi kombinasi kompos ampas teh dan tepung cangkang telur pada tanah Podsolik Merah-Kuning dalam menyeimbangkan NPK dan Ca dalam jaringan tanaman serta menilai hubungannya dengan resistensi tanaman terhadap virulensi kutukebul. Manfaat penelitian ini mendorong penggunaan ampas teh dikomposkan dan cangkang telur dibuat tepung sebagai pembenah tanah. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di rumah kaca Politeknik Hasnur pada April-Oktober 2021 dengan mengaplikasikan kompos ampas teh dan tepung cangkang telur ke tanah Podsolik Merah-Kuning pada budidaya cabai rawit menggunakan bibit varietas Anjasmara. Penelitian didesain menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan analisis BNJ pada α=5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian 120 g kompos ampas teh dikombinasikan 40 g tepung cangkang pada 10 kg tanah mampu meningkatkan kadar N, P, K, dan Ca dalam jaringan tanaman sehingga mendorong resistensi tanaman terhadap virulensi kutukebul sebagai vektor patogen begomovirus. Terdapat hubungan cukup kuat dan positf sebesar 63% antara keharaan pada jaringan tanaman dengan resistensi tanaman terhadap virulensi. Keharaan yang tersedia dan seimbang dapat membantu tanaman membentuk elisitor secara optimal. Kata kunci: elisitor, kompos ampas teh, tepung cangkang telurNutrient balance plays a role in physiological mechanisms. Compost of tea dregs and eggshells powder have been shown to have an effect in providing nutrients but have different abilities, so synergism or antagonism between the compounds may occur. The purpose of this study was to compare the application results of compost from tea dregs and eggshell powder combination on Red-Yellow Podsolic soil to balance NPK and Ca in plant tissue and assess its relationship with plant resistance to whitefly virulence. The benefits of this research is encourage the use of tea dregs and eggshells as soil enhancers. This research was carried out at Polytechnic Hasnur’s screen house in April-October 2021 by applying compost from tea dregs and eggshell powder to Red-Yellow Podsolic soil in a cultivation of cayenne pepper of Anjasmara variety. The experiment was arranged in a complete randomized design with Tukey’s HSD test at α=5%. The results showed that the application of 120 g compost of tea dregs and 40 g eggshell powder combination increased the percentage of N, P, K, and Ca in plant tissue, thereby encouraging plant resistance to whitefly vector begomovirus virulence. There is a fairly strong and positive relationship of 63% between nutrients in plant tissues with plant resistance to virulence. The available and balanced nutrients may help plants to form elicitors optimally. Keywords: compost of tea dregs, eggshells powder, elicitor

    Using Deep Learning to Predict Customer Churn in a Mobile Telecomunication Network

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    Pelanggan jaringan telekomunikasi selular tentunya memiliki keinginan untuk mendapatkan pelayanan yang memuaskan. Jika pelanggan merasa puas maka pelanggan akan tetap menggunakan layanan tersebut dalam jangka waktu panjang. Sudah banyak penelitian yang dilakukan untuk menghitung tingkat resiko pada perusahaan jaringan telekomunikasi selular, salah satunya dengan melakukan prediksi churn. Prediksi churn menggunakan metode Deep Learning yang mengoptimalkan efektivitas proses pengolahan fitur. Dalam proses Deep Learning terdapat metode Deep Neural Network yang dibangun dengan menggunakan sistem Multilayer Perceptron. Pada tugas akhir ini, turun naiknya jumlah pelanggan merupakan salah satu masalah besar pada perusahaan jaringan telekomunikasi selular. Pada tugas akhir ini, akan dibangun sebuah sistem prediksi terhadap turun naiknya pelanggan pada layanan jaringan telekomunikasi selular menggunakan arsitektur jaringan Multilayer Perceptron. Selain menggunakan arsitektur jaringan Multilayer Perceptron dilakukan juga implementasi sistem dengan menggunakan Autoencoder untuk mendapatkan bobot yang optimal. Dari metode dan sistem yang digunakan dilakukan perhitungan menggunakan F-Measure didapatkan nilai precision sebesar 70,2 % dan Recall sebesar 70,27 %. Untuk nilai akurasi sebesar 81,35 % pada data training. Didapatkan nilai Precision sebesar 80,4 % dan Recall sebesar 63,07 %. Pada nilai akurasi sebesar 83,12 % untuk data testing. Dengan nilai akurasi yang cukup besar maka metode Deep Learning layak untuk digunakan dalam prediksi Churn. Kata Kunci : Prediksi Churn, Deep Learning, Deep Neural Network, Multilayer perceptron, Autoencoders, F-Measur


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    ABSTRAKSI: Rambu lalu lintas merupakan hal yang penting untuk diperhatikan bagi pengguna jalan untuk menjaga keamanan dan kenyamanan. Jika tidak ada rambu maka pengendara tidak akan tahu tentang kondisi jalan, situasi jalan, dan sikap yang harus diambil saat berkendara. Oleh karena itu pengendara harus memperhatikan rambu tersebut. Beberapa hal mem buktikan masih banyak pengendara yang belum mengetahui arti dari rambu tersebut. Demi membantu pengendara tersebut dikembangkanlah suatu prototype sistem penerjemah rambu yang menggunakan active contour sebagai algoritma segmentasinya. Algoritma tersebut d ibahas sebagai pokok bahasan karena segmentasi dapat meningkatkan keakuratan dari klasifikasi rambu.Pada tugas akhir ini dianalisis mengenai parameter - parameter active contour yang tepat sehingga akan menghasilkan segmentasi yang akurat. Model ini menggun akan sebuah kurva contour yang dapat menyesuaikan bentuknya sesuai dengan pola objek yang diteliti. Kemudian akan dilakukan ekstraksi ciri menggunakan gabor wavelet dari hasil segmentasi dan dibandingkan dengan database ciri. Untuk pengklasifikasian akan d igunakan metode K - NN. Kemudian sebagai uji kehandalan akan dilihat perfomansi active contour saat diberikan noise salt & pepper . Dari pengujian dapat dihasilkan akurasi rata - rata keberhasilan segmentasi 55,83% dengan waktu komputasi rata - rata 8,9546 detik. Untuk klasifikasi didapatkan akurasi rata - rata terbaik 77,5%. Sistem masih belum dikatakan baik karena akurasi yang rendah pada waktu tertentu sehingga belum dapat diimplementasikan.Kata Kunci : Segmentasi citra , active contour model, rambu lalu lintas , K - nearest neighbor , Gabor wavelet , histogramABSTRACT: Traffic sign is the important thing to note for road users to keep security and comfort. If there are no traffic signs, the road users will not know the road conditions, road situations and the acti on that must be done when driving. Some facts prove that there are road users that still do not understand the mean of traffic sign. To help them, a prototype of translator traffic sign system was developed that using active contour as segmentation algorit hms. That algorithm was researched as the main study of this project because segmentation can increase the accuracy of traffic sign classifications.This final project ana lyze regarding the parame ters of active contour that will produce an accurate segment ation. This m odel uses a curve contour that can adjust its shape according to pattern the object examined. Then the program will do the extraction of characteristic using gabor wavelet of segmentation an d compared to the feature database. For the classific ation this project will used the K - NN method. Salt and pepper noise will be used to test the reliability of this algorithm. This project produce results the average accuracy of segmentation 55,83% and average time of computation 8,9546 seconds. For classif ications, the best average accuracy is 77,5% . This system is still not quite good because the accuracy is low in the certain time so it still can not be implemented.Keyword: Image Segmentation, active contour model, traffic signs , K - nearest neighbor , Ga bor wavelet , histogra

    Hadis tentang Uang: Analisis Syarah terhadap Nilai Uang dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam

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    This study aims to discuss the understanding of hadith about the value of money in the perspective of Islamic economics. This research applies a qualitative type through literature study using thematic, takhrij, and syarah hadith methods as well as descriptive analysis. The discussion of this research includes an overview of money, thematic hadiths regarding money, and an understanding of the hadith about the value of money from an Islamic economic perspective in the contemporary era. This study concludes that the money used by Muslims at the time of the Prophet was Persian silver dirhams and Roman gold dinars, traditions about money are known to be maqbul traditions and can be used as evidence, and the understanding of hadiths about the value of money is closely related to buying and selling and selling. an effective prohibition of usury for controlling inflation so that people's purchasing power is maintained and economic stability is created, in this case Islamic economics which emphasizes increasing people's welfare is recognized in this contemporary era dealing with money politics with the ideology of capitalism
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